Thursday, June 13, 2013

In a Karlsruhe Court Euope's Future is being Cast

Germany has conqured Europe once again!

What is now being debated in the Constitutional Court of that once again united and thus newly dangerous country, is whether and how those conquests will be handled and dealt with over the coming years.

The potential for aggression and further oppression is fearfully demonstrated in the sudden closure of the Greek state broadcaster this very week.

Other reporters on this topic have not spelt out this reality quite so clearly, some of that comment, eg from Time and The Economist's Charlemagne, is linked.

The direction of the eventual court ruling, while not due for months, will be likely discernible as the general election campaign, now underway, progresses within Germany.

The leaders of the other EU Member States need to immediately halt their studious pretence of being merely disinterested lookers-on.

All Europeans have a vested interest in the outcome of the daily growing horror now surely plainly discernible to all!

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