Sunday, February 15, 2009

Back to Lord Stevenson - a New Labour piece of filth!

Thank goodness it is not just this blog, read my earlier comment on the Lord Stevenson scumbag ( here, here and here) but somebody actually in Parliament and indeed actually in OPPOSITION who is prepared to tell it like it is and give some further publicity to the appalling Lord Stevenson who feigned an apology to the Finance Committee last week. Michael Fallon MP starts his article in the Sunday Telegraph with a picture of the Stevenson slime ball and the following opening paragraph: 'We are profoundly and, I think I can say, unreservedly, sorry at the turn of events” was how the former chairman of HBOS put it. “I think I can say, unreservedly”? “The turn of events”? Only somebody as deeply immersed in the British establishment as Lord Stevenson of Coddenham could get away with destroying a great British bank, taking £17 billion of taxpayers’ money, and then offering up the kind of shaded apology more appropriate for somebody caught out by a sudden cold snap. Elsewhere in the Sunday press you can read about Paul Moore in the Indy on Sunday, linked here who surprisingly for me turns out to live in the shadow of the Yorkshire Catholic boarding school Ampleforth. Sky News are reporting this morning that Mr Moore is set to release 30 documents implicating Gordon Brown in the bank bail-out, Catholic conscience perhaps? More on this also in the Indy, here. In the Sunday Times, rather than dwelling on the past you can consider the one hundred billion pound spending cuts that will be necessary in bankrupt Britain as a result of New Labour and the Opposition's incompetence, surely a strong case can be made that these costs should be shared between the City of London and Scotland? Short of time, then read the entire Michael Fallon article in the Sunday Telegraph, maybe there is one person in parliament fit to lead us from this mess, the so apt question posed on this blog only yesterday!

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