Tuesday, December 30, 2008

1.9% Coincidence

The pound fell by one point nine per cent against the euro in a single day yesterday and continues its fall today. One point nine per cent is also the amount the housing market fell in November in the UK according to figures just released. Time to call the IMF who seem the only hope to restore value to the pound by raising interest rates and enforcing huge spending cuts .... pity they will have no authority to deal with the perpetrators who will go 'Scot Free' presumably as did Wilson, Callaghan and Healey! In a sickening interview on Radio 4 this morning, worthy of state broadcasters for Hitler, Stalin or Saddam Hussein the BBC demeaned itself and every single one of its employees by broadcasting the most gut-wrenching interview with the demented Prime Minister it is possible to imagine. Listen here if you have the stomach for it.

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