Saturday, August 23, 2008

Protecting the people of Europe

The Swiss have a large, mainly part time, effectively equipped army and strict neutrality. A stable currency adds to their security. But what about the rest of the Continent, particularly those exposed to the duplicity, double standards and deceit of the EU? How well are our military defences now handled in view of the conflicts within an under-equipped European arm of a Nato already heavily and apparently pointlessly involved in Afghanistan? And with the nightmare contradictions of the 'no lender of last resort' euro currency rampant across the continent, how much faith can we have in the money that has now been foisted upon us? The pound sterling has been so weakened by incompetent governance, extreme borrowing and massive subsidies payable to the EU that even its long history seems to provide little protection. Searching the web for signs of sensible policy making and planning I have only been able to unearth this crumb this morning: 'Our concept of monetary policy is based on two pillars, and there is a very, very deep analysis of the monetary situation,' Trichet said, who also commented from the audience. In the posting immediately beneath this made yesterday, I commented on the deep mysteriousness of how Europe's borders have been thrown into confusion by the entirely unnecessary and extremely rash actions taken by the EU over Kosovo to the grave danger of the border integrity of all our former nation states and every single European citizen. Now similar risks are clearly at play in the ever growing financial crisis. The present rotating EU President, had this to say to the European Parliament last month in Strasbourg: Quelles sont, Messieurs les Présidents, nos priorités ? La première, c'est de montrer aux Européens que l'Europe peut les protéger et je voudrais dire un mot de ce vocabulaire, la protection. Mais depuis la plus haute antiquité, si les hommes se sont dotés d'une puissance publique, c'est parce que cette puissance publique se devait de les protéger. Monsieur le Président du Parlement européen, l'Europe doit protéger sans être protectionniste. Le protectionnisme ne conduit nulle part mais c'est un recul en arrière singulier que de voir aujourd'hui des citoyens d'Europe considérer que l'Europe, qui est faite pour les protéger, les inquiète au lieu de les défendre. A nous donc, sur des dossiers concrets de montrer comment l'Europe va les protéger. (Europe has first to give protection to its citizens, although avoiding becoming protectionist) Yet in the political actions at so many national and inter-EU levels there seems nothing but blithe ignorance of the dangers we now face. As UK growth officially halts, as this blog has warned for years, and all the other chickens head home to roost, what more can any individual say or do? Nothing seems the answer! I am off to Poland for a week to see how things appear from within the nation of the proposed new US missile shield! PROTECTION? From what and from whom? Our are political leaders not now the greatest threat? A thoughtful discussion paper on security may be read from here.



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