Friday, May 30, 2008

Ireland's largest union says NO to Lisbon

The report in the Irish Independent is linked here. Open Europe Press Review points out that Quentin Peel writing in the FT, linked here, has discerned cracks in the thrust to say Lisbon is all things wonderful. Are doubts about the Irish referendum and Gordon Brown's increasingly isolated position beginning to make some backtracking the best way to protect the disgusting' project'. Bruno Waterfield in his Telegraph blog also has the video I blogged about this morning from the Devil's Kitchen blog. Good it is spreading fast. A quote from Mr Peel quoting an unnamed EU diplomat: "Quite a lot of people in Brussels might be relieved. There are not a huge number of fans of the (Lisbon) treaty. A lot of the small members hate the permanent (council) president. Others worry about the cost of the EU diplomatic service. And some think we have given away too many powers to the (European) parliament. There may not be as many tears shed as we think." In other words....." Don't panic" .

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