Friday, February 29, 2008

Britain's shamed media and Establishment

Yesterday I slammed our MPs for preparing to sell out their country and participating in a massive fraud against their electors; contrary to clearly stated promises made by their own political parties at the time of the last election. Read here. Can any fair and open-minded person looking at the media's silence over Prince Harry's deployment to Afghanistan not question whether a similar conspiracy of silence is not in operation over the negotiation and passage through parliament of the EU constitutional treaty, which involves institutional lying on a wide scale and the clear conspiracy of two prime ministers and two foreign ministers to sneak this treaty through? I was born in 1944 and therefore spent my childhood in an era of hope and opportunity where anything should have been possible. It is my immediate peers who should now be reaching the peak of their powers as they pass their last active years ahead of the normal retirement age. My contemporaries should now be in positions of the highest authority, whether it be in Parliament, the Civil Service, Judges Chambers, Multinational Boardrooms, Media Offices, or indeed as eminent gris to the Armed Services - not just in the UK but all over the English- speaking world that still to this day so closely interacts. Are they really now going to continue to remain silent as democracy is thus destroyed? Next Wednesday the British House of Commons will vote on this Treaty that will destroy the democratic rule of 27 national parliaments across almost the entire European peninsula and many of its offshore islands. Britain with a silenced fourth estate and therefore under this authoritarian government on the edge of a petty tyranny; one which plans to now hand power for eternity to an even greater tyranny based somewhere upon the Continent. When Europe loses its freedoms the rest of the world is unlikely to escape unscathed. Are my contempories, as they prepare for their no doubt very comfortable retirements, really going to allow this outrage against the freedom and liberties of the European people, for which our fathers and grandfathers so bloodily fought, be secretively and treacherously destroyed in this outrageous manner? Is the two minutes or so devoted by the BBC on the Radio 4 programme this morning (the first critical mention of these proceedings) all we are to hear from Britain's state broadcaster on this outrage? It all seems to be so, and I hang my head in shame!

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