Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Graft - is this the iceberg's tip?

I previously kept my comment on the most recent revelations of the latest donations scandal to hit the Labour Party to my blog Strasbourg Cesspit, linked here, but latest details seem to require comment here. The Daily Telegraph, while covering the resignation of the General Secretary of the Labour Party, a fresh faced individual with all the markings of a youthful sacrificial lamb (are not Party Treasurers liable under the law for the veracity of their donations declaration to the Electoral Commission?), also covers business ventures that followed the transfer of funds, linked here. It appears planning permission for a business park near the A1(M) was approved after having been earlier rejected. In the image illustration attached to the article comes the apparent real guts of the issue, over the picture of this site is the statement: "Developers hope to attract civil service jobs from Whitehall departments.." After ten years of Blair's New Labour and the now clear character of Gordon Brown and his inept cabinet, can any believe that such hopes were merely fanciful?


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