Saturday, August 18, 2007

Open Europe Treaty Guide

Open Europe, linked here, has published a comparative guide to the EU Reform Treaty and the earlier Constitutional Treaty, download from here, which conclusively confirms they are all but one and the same and makes a complete mockery of the integrity of any Government minister who continues to argue to the contrary. Dishonest liars is the best description for such men who include ex-PM Tony Blair, the present Prime Minister Gordon Brown, the Foreign Minister David Miliband and the Europe (EU) Minister Jim Murphy. The fact that they are making such a clearly false assertion is even more despicable when it is clear their motives are to wriggle out of a promise given by each of them and all their elected MPs to hold a referendum on such a document. The shame these men are bringing on the UK legislative procedures is so great that the consequences are beyond even my ability to predict. The complicity of the broadcast media and much of the press is almost equally shameful. Later this weekend I plan to bring together the conflicting statements that when read together prove conclusively the depth of the anti-democratic conspiracy presently underway at the heart of government.


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