Sunday, August 05, 2007

Christopher Booker at his very best

All should take the time to read the Booker column, here, in today's Sunday Telegraph. The concluding paragraph on the section explaining new dictatorial ruling body for Britain and the other EU ex-nations is this: What all this amounts to is that the European Union finally wishes to set itself up as the supreme government of Britain and 26 other countries, with unlimited powers over every aspect of our lives: a government we cannot dismiss and which is unaccountable. It is nothing less than a complete coup d'etat. And Gordon Brown wishes to see this imposed on us without allowing us a referendum, in direct breach of a promise on which he was elected, and now on the basis of the transparent lie that it has no bearing on our constitutional rights. It should be enough to blow the minds of everyone in Britain. The whole item needs to be read as does the report on the farce of the regional authorities which follows.


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