Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Politicians, Loans and Trust

It has become a commonplace that few people now trust their Westminster elected politicians. Yet figures published today indicate that the self-serving organisations within which these unworthies operate have between them run up loans of some sixty million pounds (much of it unsecured), one press report is linked here. Why such unsecured indebtedness is possible can only be answered by recognising the fact that these distrusted political parties have a stranglehold on power from which others with money to risk or lend hope to bend towards their own benefit. Our parties have been bought! Trust is of course a BIG concept as any dictionary will confirm, eg Collins: reliance on and confidence in the truth, worth, reliability etc., of a person or thing; faith. Can we nowadays really expect those who seek power to rule over us to be really worthy of all that? Sadly we cannot, we could, however, possibly make a presumption that they would act towards the governed if not with an element of goodwill, then at least in such a way that by securing their own short term interests they would not deliberately damage the long term welfare of either the governed or the nation. The deep indebtedness of the two main parties highlights how they have failed in even this latter and lightest of guages of honourable intent. Who can give the majority of the members of the Cabinet and Shadow Cabinet such a presumption of goodwill? The total mismanagement of the Conservative Party reported in today's Daily Telegraph shows that party has no concern over its own finances and can therefore hardly be expected to run the country in prudent fashion. Read the link from here. Labour with its leadership under police investigation for the very loans detailed today cannot conceivably honestly raise sufficient funds to clear its debts without making future policy entirely hostage to the whims of its financial recuers. The Conservatives find themselves in the same boat but without any prospect of ever gaining power due to the lack of belief in policies andclear absence of any moral fibre in its new leader. If ever there was a moment for principled men to cut lose from the present corrupt two party structure, with all their debts, then surely it must be now! The Electoral Commission link is here for the latest loans and other data from their main site here.


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