Sunday, December 18, 2005

Crowing Chirac hits French TV to relish Blair's humiliation

The report of the French President's news broadcasts may be read from this link to Ireland Online. While the British press concentrate on the disgruntlement in the Treasury at the rebate deal and the likely cost in terms of reduced public services such as this in the Sunday Telegraph here and that in the Sunday Times linked here, none seemed to have brought home the real cost of Blair's treachery in personal terms. One billion pounds a year paid by the sixty million people in Britain is sixteen pounds sixty seven pence for every man woman and child in the country every year for seven years. In a reasonably sized town or city of lets say some 150,000 inhabitants that amounts to some two and a half million pounds a year for seven years. On a weekly basis that is forty eight thousand pounds less to spend on schools, hospital etc. etc every week for fifrty two weeks a year for seven long years. The same is proportionately true for every city, town and village in the country - imagine the sums involved for London, Manchester or Birmingham. All this apparently agreed by Blair without the agreement of his Treasury and certainly without the prior approval of parliament. What happened to representative democracy, will our elected MPs ever get the opportunity to approve this clearly self-serving sell out? Of course not, and yet the mainstream media insist the EU is a minority interest matter with no bearing on the important issues in peoples lives. This deal proves the reverse is the case. As more and more Britons discover each month, if you want value for the taxes paid down the years - and now for many years ahead, due to the incompetence or worse of their own political leaders- one good way to get it is to live in France or elsewhere in the EU, robbing the British treasury of yet more revenues from income tax, inheritance tax or even from their latest wheeze speed camera fines!


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